This is another baby dream. I say “another” because baby dreams have been consistently recurrent throughout my lifetime. It may be of some help for you to know some background on these dreams and then you can sense how the most recent one is different than the others. First, you should know that I understand the symbolic nature of these dreams—that my dreaming about a baby, for instance does not in my mind foretell the anticipation of an actual baby. Rather, I am aware that in every baby dream instance, I was embarking on some new project or entering a transitional phase in my life. There is a consistent pattern in each of these dreams:
-None of the babies come from me. Rather, they are entrusted to my care, a task I consistently fail—at some point in the dream, I am aware that I have neglected to feed the baby, notice the baby or otherwise care for the baby.
-All of the babies are self-sufficient. When I realize my neglect of them, it’s no big deal to them because they are capable of meeting their own needs. However, it IS a big deal to me and upon realizing my neglect, I will typically begin going through the motions of nurturance, which the babies are quite indifferent to.
-All of the babies have been girls and they all have been white.
Ok, so here’s some background on the dream I dreamed this morning:
-Dee and I went to bed extremely tired. We had just spent the day on a hike in which we sort of got lost—we turned a 2 mile hike into a six mile hike because we had lost our trail due to snow covering some of it. I was fairly irritable and highly sensitive and intolerant of Dee’s usual snoring, so I slept in the spare bedroom. I awoke about 4:30 a.m. and returned to bed with Dee. Dee got up at 5a.m. and I awoke long enough to have prayer with him and then I went back to sleep when he went to work at about 5:30. During the forty minutes I was sleeping, I had the dream:
I was working in a kitchen—like a restaurant’s kitchen, but I can’t say that it was a restaurant. I thought someone ordered an item on the menu, but now I think it was just me preparing the delicacy of the establishment, grilled baby, for myself (I told you it was grotesque to tell). I was not disturbed by the request, either by someone else, or for myself—as I have a sense that I had prepared this many times before.
A baby, about six months old was presented to me (the presenter is unknown to me—I have no recollections of images of that “person”). The baby was a girl with light brown skin and almond shaped closed eyes, indicating to me that she was of Asian descent. Remember this is the first non-white baby I’ve dreamed of.
I gently laid the baby face down on the grill and then turned my back to do something else. After a few moments, I returned and turned her over. I was immediately struck by the fact that her eyes were now open, staring expectantly at me and that no part of her body appeared to be burned or in any other way injured because of my barbaric action. I also noticed that on her right ear was a tiny diamond earring. It occurred to me that the earring indicated that she belonged to someone who had placed it there and that she was very precious to that person. So I recognized her as a gift of stewardship, but I was troubled by the mode she was given to me. I turned away in confusion and as I did so, she cried out—not in pain, but in longing for me. I realized that I could not walk away from her.
Even though she was not burned, I seemed to fear that perhaps maybe she was indeed burned. So I took her to a basin of clear water and immersed her face-up into it. She looked at me with trusting eyes and smiled as I drew her out of the water. Although she was not burned, the grilling and water process had produced a strange, webbed pattern on half of her skin, like she had had netting over half her body and the sun had tanned her in the pattern of the netting. The pattern divided her exactly in half, beginning from her head and following straight down. I’m wondering if the approaching Gemini full moon might have some relevance here.
I determined to take her home and I began caring for her, feeding her and dressing her. I named her Keiko. I remember sitting her down and turning to select some clothing for her and when I turned back, she had dressed herself in three layers of clothing and she was attempting to put yellow socks on. The strange thing about the socks is that she had three feet—two visible and the third extending from an invisible leg.
I attempted to take her to church but she kept “falling” off the church pew and crawling out the door. I followed her out and then I woke up.
Upon awakening, I felt detached from the nature of the dream, since I had had baby dreams before, but not to the dream itself. The fact that it was a baby dream clued me in on the idea that I didn’t just come up with this because of indigestion or random thought patterns. I was more curious than anything else—like Alice in Wonderland. I actually felt relief that this baby responded to my nurturance, although she was clearly capable—like the others—of self nurturance.
Well, that’s the dream. Very strange, very vivid. I think I understand the significance of a good portion of it, but I would very much like to get your response to it.
Thank you so much with all love and blessings,
To: T
From: Pam Saunders []
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:18 AM
Subject: A Lesson Learned
Last Sunday, Dee and I decided to go hiking after we had spent some time in the One World Cafe's garden. I'm a fair beginner but I have heart and a lot of stamina. I guess I'm in better shape than I thought.
We hiked to Lake Solitude--the one in the picture I sent you yesterday.
It's only about a mile, and not too hard. A nice start for beginners.
We got there ok. The trails were covered in snow at some points, so we had to hike around them and then get back on the trail.
Coming back--about 5:00pm--we decided to recite evening prayers as we
hiked along. We were reciting "Rasul" and had just come to the part that says, "I follow in thy footsteps, which leadedth me to the eternal goal..." when all of a sudden a lone hiker appeared who asked us, "Do you know where you are going?" Since I had just said "eternal goal" I giggled a little and said, "Yes." He disappeared down the mountain and we approached a wooded area. Just then, we realized that we had lost the trail. We hiked on a bit and saw some ski lifts (we had parked at Brighton Ski Resort) that we hadn’t seen before. Now we knew we didn't know where we were. We hiked back a bit and returned to the clearing where we had encountered the other hiker. He, of course, was no where to be seen. I looked down the clearing and saw at the bottom of the mountain, not Brighton Ski resort, but Solitude, another ski resort about two miles down the mountain and out of our intended path.
Luckily we could also see the road and another set of ski lifts that
lead to the road. We determined to follow the ski lifts down the mountain. Unfortunately, while it appears clear, it is not. The brush was heavy in some areas and set on top of streams caused by the spring/summer run-off. It was only about half a mile down, but it took us a good forty minutes to get down. Then it was another two miles UP the mountain to Brighton to get back to our van. Some easy two mile hike, huh?
Lessons learned:
I'm a lot tougher, even physically than I thought I was--wasn't even
sore yesterday.
When you're saying "Rasul" and one appears asking if you know where
you're going, it's a good idea to consider that maybe, just maybe you don't and ask for help. God's chuckling deeply on that one.
I'm still musing and amusing over the whole experience.
Hope you're having a good morning!
All Love,
Do you see any connection between that experience and your dream? OH, btw... the first thing I noticed in your dream is that your daughter "Keiko" has the same name as the Orca who played "Willie" in the movie "Free Willie" - a magnificent creature lost and then found and freed by the love of a child. In Japanese the word means "adored one." Interesting, eh? Is there something in you needing expression that can't be tamed? Just something to think about.... From: Pam Saunders [] Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:48 PM Subject: Dream I'm getting the sense that the mountain experience and the dream are less about telling me what direction to take in my life, and more affirmation and confirmation of the direction my life is taking. I am also getting a sense of the "sacrifice" it is requiring--not much--just everything. | |
Sent : | Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:19 PM | To : | "Pam Saunders" | Subject : | RE: Dream | | | | |
So.. in my way of looking at dreams, the waking and sleeping dreams are not different. They extend each other, or more correctly multiply each other, and you can decide which is more "real" if you want. Mountain and kitchen are one. The other thing I believe about dreams is that in some way we ARE each element in the dream. I have found it useful to meditate on the different elements. In this case I think it would bring up some really helpful stuff if you would look at the Mystery Hiker and also Dee to find parts of yourself that, in terms of the "dream", are presented as external. What do you think? Want to try that? | |
From: Pam Saunders []
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 1:40 PM
Subject: RE: Dream
I hadn't thought of Dee and the Mystery Hiker as aspects of myself in relation to the dreams (waking or sleeping). But then I hadn't really thought about the whole mountain experience as part of the dream. Oh,
yeah, BTW, in Mormon symbology, mountains and temples are one and the same--temples are considered houses of God, but also places of learning through experience. I'm also thinking that the words to the prayer
(Nabi, not Rasul--I keep getting the names mixed up, but in this case they are both variations on a theme regarding the Messenger of God) I was saying at the time when the Mystery Hiker manifested himself is significant. It's a pretty detailed message, isn't it?
Sent : | Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:47 PM | To : | "Pam Saunders" | Subject : | RE: Dream | | | | |
Hm...and mountains are also rocks (a rock in the weariness of rock, etc) and comfort for the broken hearted. | |
From: Pam Saunders []
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 1:55 PM
Subject: RE: Dream
Oh, Man! Now I'm getting the sense that my cave experiences from two weekends in a row previous to last week are also part of the dream--and
I think I'm still dreaming--wide awake!
Sent : | Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:55 PM | To : | "Pam Saunders" | Subject : | RE: Dream | | | | |
From: Pam Saunders []
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 1:47 PM
Subject: More
There is a correlation between the Mystery Hiker and the Unknown
Presenter of Baby Keiko. It's interesting that the unembodied presenter is also an element even though he/she is not technically in my dream.
| | Sent : | Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:49 PM | To : | "Pam Saunders" | Subject : | RE: More | | | | |
Yes, even what is merely implied is an element, as God is when we are awake, or our loved ones who have passed on. They still give to us, don't they? So they are very much part of our lives. | |
To: "Pam Saunders" <>
Subject: RE: More
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 13:53:38 -0400
As long as I'm at it, I wonder if you're aware of anything that was "presented to me" 6 months ago... something "precious" ... especially something that seems "of Asian descent." Not necessarily concrete, understand? An idea, even a feeling....
From: Pam Saunders []
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:24 PM
Subject: RE: More
Oh, yeah! That one's not too hard. Jan 13 (which is five months fulfillment, but starting today begins the sixth month) we started talking about Dances which led to my attunement to Pir o Murshid's words who is and which are of Asian descent--not necessarily Japanese, but I don't think my dream's making exact distinctions. Interestingly, in three days we will be at 410 Precita in San Francisco. Guess who we're staying with? Mike(from OM) who IS of Japanese descent. He is willing/even enthusiastic to the idea of taking us to the Khanka and then dancing with us later that evening.
To: "Pam Saunders" <>
Subject: RE: More
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 15:58:10 -0400
OK, then... jan 13 is also the birthday of my ex-wife, but that
probably means nothing in this and yes India is considered Asia by most. Curious, though, I feel a connection to Mike OM... I may be getting drawn into your dream!!!!!
From: Pam Saunders []
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 4:01 PM
Subject: RE: More
Oh, yeah baby! You're there. Although your ex-wife can stay right out, k? Except that you mentioned her and now she is. Gee, thanks,
...ROFLMAO!!! Jan 13 is Dee and my wedding anniversary.
| | Sent : | Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:03 PM | To : | "Pam Saunders" | Subject : | RE: More | | | | |
YIPE!!! Well, if I get a call from her I'll let you know what she says. But I'm not counting on it. Haven't seen her in 31 years... JEEZ I'm NOT that old!!!! | |
From: Pam Saunders []
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:33 PM
Subject: RE: Dream
Saturday, I had this bright idea to check out which books Wahiduddin had on his recent reading link were also at the SLC Library. I had several placed on hold for me and decided to take the train downtown at lunch to pick them up. I started reading one of them immediately while waiting for the train to come back to work, "Warrior of Light," by Paulo Coelho. I got back late because I started reading while I was walking from the train stop to my office and I kept getting stopped in my tracks. Here's one place:
"A Warrior of the Light has the qualities of a rock."
"When he is on flat terrain, everything around him is in harmony and he remains stable. People can build their houses upon him, and the storm will not destroy them."
"When, however, he is places on a slope, and the things around him show neither balance nor respect, then he reveals his strength: he rolls toward the enemy that is threatening his peace. At such moments, the Warrior is a devastating force, and no one can stop him."
"A Warrior of the Light thinks about both war and peace and knows how to act in accordance with the circumstances."
Seriously, I stopped for a long time with that one. I'm still stopping.
| | Sent : | Tuesday, June 13, 2006 7:55 PM | To : | "Pam Saunders" | Subject : | RE: Dream | | | | |
Hm.. yes... potential for slippery slopes there.. lol.... but the warrior rock is not being willful, is she? I believe she is following her nature, which is in accordance with the "gravity" of the situation. When at rest, she is held there by gravity. When rolling toward "the enemy" she is pulled along by the natural force, and will not discriminate between friend and foe. The wise will treat her well and stay out of her way when she's "on a roll"... | |
Sent : | Monday, June 19, 2006 5:14 PM | To : | "Pam Saunders" | Subject : | your dream... continued.... | | | | |
Pamela, I know you were taking a break from processing your baby dream, and don’t know if you’re ready for more, but I also cast a chart for the moment you sent me a request for help with it. I do that sometimes for confirmation of things, but this also gave some real insight into what was unfolding in the dream work you were doing, so I’m sending it to you for your perusal: This is a pretty amazing chart… the indication at first glance is that it is TOTALLY about your relationship with the Mother…your own, yourself as mother, and the divine Mother. The picture is of one who is within, but moving quickly away from an experience of transformation of one’s perception of “mother” in all its senses. There is a sense of woundedness crying out to be healed, one involving the changes and transformations of this time. Usually this picture (Moon/Saturn) involves healing one’s early childhood wounds, often involving the need for space and solitude in whatever doses are needed. You may have been “burned” in some way (contact with firey Pluto/Sag and Moon’s ruler Saturn/Leo)…and of course I’m saying “burned” because of the “grilling” you were giving the baby. (hmm.. grilling…lol) This can also be a chart of extreme good fortune in matters of Children (take that as inner and outer children). But with the Venus/Jupiter opposition (Venus rules the 5th house and children) I’m wondering if this dream is about helping you overcome a tendency to be so sweet and childlike that it can seem “overdone”. (cooked to overperfection? I don’t know…ask Dee!!) So in effect you have to be ready to cook and eat the most precious part of you (SHADES OF ABRAHAM AND ISAAC!!!) to fully digest, and assimilate, the child within. It is, after all, very independent (contrary to what reason would tell us). You just haven’t trusted it yet. Still I’m speaking in terms of the dream. I wrote this the other day before you went on break, and it’s the only thing so far we haven’t talked about that I came up with from the dream…. I hope it will come at a good time for you, because I don’t exactly know why I feel called to send it now. Peace and love to you out in Khankaland!!! Give Dee a big hug as well, and we’ll talk more about Denver (if your wheels will still make it) when you get back. | |
From: Pam Saunders []
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 10:56 AM
Subject: More Dream
Good morning!
Dee and I (and Sherry and Rachel) got back last night from a weekend
DUP/camping Solstice celebration--beautiful location on a HUGE reservoir in American Falls, Idaho. The owner of the property where we camped walks a Native American path of spirituality and spent some time with us in various capacities, including a small sweat lodge. Dee and I were blessed to be able to participate in that (Rachel couldn't because she is sensitive to heat and Sherry slept in).
In the sweat lodge ceremony I got more perspective on my dream. I was
also able to offer more concentrated and significant prayers in ceremony regarding Jody's health. I will continue to keep her in focus in my daily prayers as well. Also, your poem last week fit so well with the whole weekend, but most especially with the sweat lodge and images of the Divine Mother. It was like I re-entered a womb and just cooked for a while. A lot of the perspective I'm getting is about patiently enduring well the gestation/cooking process even if it seems long and uncomfortable. Actually, I learned a lot about moving through discomfort to a space of bliss in the lodge. I don't know if I'm making any sense.
One thing about a spiritual ordeal of the nature of a sweat lodge or
it's like is that it takes a lot out of a person. That's good because it makes way for more abundant blessing. But I need a rest and am not likely to start getting one until after tomorrow night when Rachel and Sherry leave. It's been great having them here, but I need some alone time now.
Our van is still not fixed and I'm thinking a trip as far as Colorado
this weekend (although I could push myself to do it) would not be wise. So I’m sad because I won't get to see you and Jody this weekend but like you said, it will happen when the time is right.
I picked up Saadi's (Neil Douglas-Klotz's book, "The Sufi Book of Life:
99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish." Each chapter takes one of the 99 Beautiful Names of God and offers insight and meditation for each. Yesterday I read at random (just opening to a page) and this is what I read--also relative to my dream:
"Rumi...compares [our lives] to chickpeas cooking in a pot. They keep
trying to jump out and the cook keeps batting them back with his spoon.
Life is cooking us, and we resist because we don't know our purpose in
life, the "meal" that is being prepared. The cook says to the chickpeas, 'You were once drinking fresh dew in the garden. That was so you could be a nice meal for the Guest. Don't dwell on the self you think you are. Let yourself be transformed into something even better--a meal for the Beloved.' In Rumi's view, the whole universe is involved in transformation, in eating and being eaten for the sake of an evolution driven by love."
Hope you're having a good day!
All Love,
aka Keiko, the chickpea :)
Sent : | Monday, June 26, 2006 4:21 PM | To : | "Pam Saunders" | Subject : | RE: More Dream | | | | |
What WONDERFUL growth of the dream into your world. I couldn't have prepared a better set of learnings for you myself.... Of course I'm sad, too, to be missing you sweet folks this weekend in CO, but you're right...when the time comes, it'll be the best time for it. Keep cookin' on, my little chicky-pea!! Oh, and would you mind writing me what your address is? I keep forgetting to do that when I get a package, and I want to send you guys the things I got for you (nothing home made, but that's for another time). Love to you both!! | |
From: Pam Saunders []
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:01 AM
Subject: A Breakthrough on an Aspect of "the Dream"
Beloved Brother,
Oh, WOW! Oh, WOW! Oh, WOW!!! Ya Fattah! When things open up, they
open up, don't they?
The latest "installment" on the Tao thread, plus my "re-entry into 'the cave'", plus reading a section of a book by a woman who left the Mormon church to join the Quakers (Grace Notes by Heidi Hart), which led me to
Shakespeare's sonnet 91, plus discovering an empty eggshell and a whole buckeye seed on my walk from the bus stop, plus watching the children
who gather for day camp in front of my office building all bring be back full circle to an important an puzzling (until now) aspect of my dream.
Lately, I've been asking myself if my seeking spirit/Spirit is really an attempt to disengage from my body--a sort of running away. Have I erroneously defined "heaven" as the ultimate disembodiment and is
entering "the cave" my soul's attempt to deconstruct that definition. It seems to be a distilment of complete connection between my spiritual and sensual self. Pretty scary stuff because then I ask myself, "If I succeed in making that connection, will I then want to stay there forever?" Again, "Grace Notes"--Heidi Hart asks a similar question with regard to pouring herself completely into her music. It seems all so foreign to me, and yet there are emerging childhood memories of such corporeal communion that exhilarate me. Those glimpses literally raise goose bumps and oh, my God! this is where that aspect of my dream comes in--those goose bumps are the "pattern" which formed on the body of my baby after I drew her out of the water. They represent the ultimate spirit/body connection. I am in tears over the revelation of it.
"Claim your self, Pamela! Your WHOLE self--spirit AND body." With my recent discovery of Sufism and the breath/body work connected to that Path, I have wondered what such physical aspects have to do with the spiritual since they will be gone upon leaving this earthly plane. The answer is, "EVERYTHING!" There are really no words to describe this kind of knowing, are there? It can only be experienced. The Path or the Way to the Soul (that oneness with the One)--heaven, if you will, is via the body.
Suddenly, I am experiencing a realization of why I have been lead here--to the Sufi Path and to the direction I seem to be drawn to with regard to my returning to school. A wider picture of the Whole is being revealed to me and I am deeply awed, even "sore afraid" at the thought that I even have a small part in it. Wow! Wow! Wow! (that's my prayer today: "WOW!")
I'm still in the cave, but not hurting quite so much now that I have
begun speaking with the pain and making myself more acquainted with it. And deeply grateful for the opportunity
Thank you, dear Brother for "listening," for helping me face the dark
and dense parts of my self and assuring me that it is a healthy part of the process. Your love and your honesty for and with me is invaluable
beyond words. I love you dearly!
All Love,
Sister Pamela
Sonnet 91 Some glory in their birth, some in their skill
Some glory in their birth, some in their skill,
Some in their wealth, some in their bodies' force,
Some in their garments, though new-fangled ill,
Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse;
And every humour hath his adjunct pleasure,
Wherein it finds a joy above the rest:
But these particulars are not my measure;
All these I better in one general best.
Thy love is better than high birth to me,
Richer than wealth, prouder than garments' cost,
Of more delight than hawks or horses be;
And having thee, of all men's pride I boast:
Wretched in this alone, that thou mayst take
All this away and me most wretched make.
The oneness of the five colors blind the eyes.
The oneness of the five tones deafens the ears.
The oneness of the five flavors dull the tongue.
Racing ahead of change
and pursuing the illusion of reality
promotes confusion.
Therefore, the sage is in harmony with what she is
and does not distinguish what she sees.
She chooses oneness and distinguishes nothing.
Sent : | Wednesday, July 19, 2006 4:39 PM | To : | "Pam Saunders" | Subject : | RE: A Breakthrough on an Aspect of "the Dream" | | | | |
WOW indeed!! You're really letting this dream live through you in the waking world, and that's where it really accomplishes its purpose. OK, then, "piloerection" (a medical term I learned for goose bumps, or goose pimples as we used to call them too.) As a response to cold it’s a protective measure: Back when we REALLY had hair (pilium, I think is the Latin) the hairs would stand up when we were cold, to trap heat, apparently. Now that we're pretty much naked, as mammals go, you can still see the hair follicles erecting, but not much hair is raised. I had seen this initially as another sign of the child being able to protect itself, but now I see I was mistaken. Because piloerection is a vestigial function of a more ancient form of ourselves, it suggests the spirit/body connection in a couple of ways. First, it connects us directly with our ancestors, and second it is something we have no consciousness of doing, no ability to control, and which serves no purpose now other than as a sign. Breathing is a sign, too, but it serves a current purpose. I think it's like the difference between rain and the rainbow. Rain serves a purpose, the rainbow none, but it is asign that feels so much like a gift we make up stories about it. I'm glad to hear that life in the cave is going as well as can be expected. Big WOWs for you!! | |
From: Pam Saunders []
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 4:03 PM
Subject: RE: A Breakthrough on an Aspect of "the Dream"
Your reference to ancestors sincerely intrigues me. Maybe that's
because of my Mormon background and the emphasis on genealogical research. Is it possible we carry memory in our DNA or somehow transmit memory from past lives onto our bodies.
Lately, I've wondered about past lives and reincarnation (I'm not
convinced of the idea of reincarnation's existence or non-existence), but it concerns me only in the same way the idea of possible repressed childhood memory does. I'm still on the same page with you where that is concerned--no need to try to dig up old memories if they are repressed or simply not there. I know of enough people who are trying to uncover memories from a past life in order to deal with their issues now. Maybe the vision of those memories is not important or even useful, especially when referenced in another life, or another time in a person's life. What matters, perhaps is the acknowledgement of those memories, experiencing them in whatever form they manifest themselves (goose bumps), letting them recede or dissipate, and then moving on. And THAT, my dear friend is enough to help me through the wounded childhood thing you mentioned on my chart. At least it relieves much anxiety over the subject.
All Love,
Sent : | Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:10 PM | To : | "Pam Saunders" | Subject : | RE: A Breakthrough on an Aspect of "the Dream" | | | | |
…As for childhood or past life memories (and aren't childhood memories just that?) you know there's this whole therapeutic approach now...EMDR and its variations, that suggests you don't have to have this big cathartic memory experience. You may just need to pass things thru in other symbolic ways without the big emotions. I think it's great stuff, as I've always been a LITTLE suspicious that catharsis only breeds more catharsis, then you have a heart attack and | |
I'm back to the baby dream! Wow! I've just re-read this email, and I hope that you can see through the babbling to what I'm trying to convey here. Tonight was pretty intense and yet, I'm sensing, only a tip of the proverbial iceberg--
I was reading more in the Hidden Gospel book and just leaned my head back for a minute to absorb what I had just read (actually, re-read)--the section on Prayer in the Closet--creating sacred space through the veiled, protection, etc. Saadi's reference is Matthew 6:6:
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet and when thou has shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth thee in secret, shall reward the openly.
An Aramaic expansion of that passage reads:
When you want to lay yourself open for the divine,
like a snare that is hollowed out to its depth,
like a canopy that projects a shadow
from the divine heat and light
into your soul,
then go into your inner place,
to that story or symbol that reminds you of the sacred.
Close the doors of your awareness to
the public person you think yourself to be.
Pray to the parent of creation with your inner sense,
the outer senses turned within.
Veiling yourself, the mystery may be unveiled through you.
By opening yourself to the flow of the sacred,
somewhere, resounding in some inner form,
the swell of the divine ocean can move through you.
The breathing life of all reveals itself
in the way you live your life.
So, this is what I'm absorbing in my resting my eyes that turned into a deep dream meditation.
I re-dreamed the dream, only in a more conscious meditative state than the first time. Only this time I allowed myself to move from myself in the dream and to view the dream through Keiko's "eyes." We didn't get all the way through the dream--only to the point of the cooking/grilling face down.
I really don't know how to describe this, but I WAS/AM the baby, with all the conceptual awareness of a baby in the situation of being handed over to someone (me) who is burdened by past ideas, concepts, dogma, etc, who has failed before and is fearful of future failures, who feels incompetent. Can you imagine what a baby must feel like being handed over to someone like that? I can through this experience, and yet I've only scratched the surface of that kind of empathy through the dream.
It's not what one might think. The baby senses all those things in me, but resides in a state of happiness and bliss. That state continues even as the baby is placed on the grill face down. Now there is sensation--heat, burning, but it is felt in a different context than what I (the dream I) conceptualize as an adult or even as a human.
Face-down, I (the baby-I) see only the blackness of the grill, but there is no fear of the unknown because that is all I (the baby-) have ever experienced--one moment after another into the unknown--complete and total trust.
The heat and the burning are only aspects or elements of the same unknown and without the human or adult preconceptions that create fear, the sensation of that burning or searing are different. I can't explain this part--the sensations--they feel like "long ago" sensations. I think it's ok at this point that I can't describe them--neither can Keiko--she just feels them and continues to live in her blissful state.
The accidental exercise is fascinating on many different levels--
1. The process itself completely captures me--that I can re-dream a dream in another consciousness (ie, dream meditation) tells me that I can connect with aspects of myself in a way that I didn't even imagine. Looking back at myself through those various aspects tells me a lot more about who I am, why I do what I do, and allows me to envision myself in a different context.
2. Although part of the process is surrendering to a certain aspect of the dream, I am not "lost" within that aspect--I can move in and out of it---it's kind of like having a non-verbal conversation with that aspect of my dream-self. For some reason, this informs me about my connection to the One, the Universe, God...
3. The lessons, the knowledge, the revelations gained via the re-dreaming were missed by dreaming with myself (the dream I) as the subject. Allowing myself to be an object and allowing Keiko to become the subject created that new learning space. I also got a sense that object and subject are interchangeable and equal in validating the experience of the dream.
4. If I can see/dream through various aspects in a dream in a semi-conscious state (dream meditation), then maybe I can do that in a fully consious state--total empathy, but even beyond that--experiencing myself through another medium, whether it be another person, a community or perhaps even God (I'm not even close to that one, I'm certain, but just imagining it to be possible blows my mind). And then beyond that--experiencing another person through their own eyes, others' eyes and perhaps God's.
Anyway, WOW!!! Double WOW!!! Infinity-WOW!!! I'm still interested in the other dream, but this one just won't let go, or I won't. I just don't feel finished with it yet. I've had recurring dreams, but this is something entirely different.
Thanks for continuing to work with me on this.
You know, of course, there are some dreams that stay with you forever.
I still am dreaming, at some level, the defining dream of my life at the
Khankah SAM, which, in short, involved going up a hill to this enormous
white cross. I have enough references and cross-references and
cross-cross references to it over the last 25 or so years that I really
could fill a book.
I am hesitant to say much of anything at this point about the Keiko
dream. You are cruising along with it so beautifully I almost think
anything I say would throw a monkey wrench in the works. But reading
your conscious dreaming I had this very strong image of bowing and
touching my forehead, "face down" into the heat of surrender.
That's all I think I want to say now. I would be most honored if you
keep me posted on developments in the ongoing dreaming of Keiko and
Love always, thom
PS. I have no idea if your sombrero idea has anything to do with poor
Keiko, but perhaps you have found her father??? I so
appreciate your humor.
I heard this saying by Al Gazali (sp?) today and had some thoughts on this in relationship to my dream:
"Verily, there are servants among my servants who love me, and I love them. And they long for me and I long for them. And they look at me and I look at them. And their signs are that they preserve the shade at daytime as compassionately as a herdsman preserves his sheep. And they long for sunset as the bird longs for his nest at dusk. And when the night comes, and the shadows become mixed, and the beds are spread out, and the bedsteds are put up, and every lover is alone with his Beloved, then they will stand on their feet and put their faces on the ground and will call me with my Word and will flatter me with my Graces, half crying and half weeping, half bewildered and half complaining, sometimes standing, sometimes sitting, sometimes kneeling, sometimes prostrating and I see what they bear for my sake, and I hear what they complain for my love."
So here is what I was thinking in light of this and my dream:
There is a conception that God does not experience pain. Perhaps that is a misconception. Perhaps God is the most tortured Being in the Universe. Indeed, if God is the Only Being, then knowing the entire suffering of the Universe, God IS the most tortured. And conversely knows the burning joy as well. Loving detachment with both is that Divine quality that makes God remain God. And so, we, as we unite with all the Illuminated Souls, experience both the searing pain and the burning joy as the infantile goddess of my dream.
Beloved Brother,
Oh, WOW! Oh, WOW! Oh, WOW!!! Ya Fattah! When things open up, they open up, don't they?
The latest "installment" on the Tao thread, plus my "re-entry into 'the cave'", plus reading a section of a book by a woman who left the Mormon church to join the Quakers (Grace Notes by Heidi Hart), which led me to Shakespeare's sonnet 91, plus discovering an empty eggshell and a whole buckeye seed on my walk from the bus stop, plus watching the children who gather for daycamp in front of my office building all bring be back full circle to an important an puzzling (until now) aspect of my dream.
Lately, I've been asking myself if my seeking spirit/Spirit is really an attempt to disengage from my body--a sort of running away. Have I erroneously defined "heaven" as the ultimate disembodiment and is entering "the cave" my soul's attempt to deconstruct that definition. It seems to be a distillment of complete connection between my spiritual and sensual self. Pretty scary stuff because then I ask myself, "If I succeed in making that connection, will I then want to stay there forever?" Again, "Grace Notes"--Heidi Hart asks a similar question with regard to pouring herself completely into her music. It seems all so foreign to me, and yet there are emerging childhood memories of such corporeal communion that exhilerate me. Those glimpses literally raise goosebumps and oh, my God! this is where that aspect of my dream comes in--those goosebumps are the "pattern" which formed on the body of my baby after I drew her out of the water. They represent the ultimate spirit/body connection. I am in tears over the revelation of it.
"Claim your self, Pamela! Your WHOLE self--spirit AND body." With my recent discovery of Sufism and especially the Ruhaniat and the breath/body work connected to that order, I have wondered what such physical aspects have to do with the spiritual since they will be gone upon leaving this earthly plane. The answer is, "EVERYTHING!" There are really no words to describe this kind of knowing, are there? It can only be experienced. The Path or the Way to the Soul (that oneness with the One)--heaven, if you will, is via the body.
Suddenly, I am experiencing a realization of why I have been lead here--to the Sufi Path and to the direction I seem to be drawn to with regard to my returning to school. A wider picture of the Whole is being revealed to me and I am deeply awed, even "sore afraid" at the thought that I even have a small part in it. Wow! Wow! Wow! (that's my prayer today: "WOW!")
I'm still in the cave, but not hurting quite so much now that I have begun speaking with the pain and making myself more acquainted with it. And deeply grateful for the opportunity
Thank you, dear Brother for "listening," for helping me face the dark and dense parts of my self and assuring me that it is a healthy part of the process. Your love and your honesty for and with me is invaluable beyond words. I love you dearly!
All Love,
Sister Pamela
Sonnet 91 Some glory in their birth, some in their skill
Some glory in their birth, some in their skill,
Some in their wealth, some in their bodies' force,
Some in their garments, though new-fangled ill,
Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse;
And every humour hath his adjunct pleasure,
Wherein it finds a joy above the rest:
But these particulars are not my measure;
All these I better in one general best.
Thy love is better than high birth to me,
Richer than wealth, prouder than garments' cost,
Of more delight than hawks or horses be;
And having thee, of all men's pride I boast:
Wretched in this alone, that thou mayst take
All this away and me most wretched make.
Dream 7-27-2006 between 5:33 a.m. and 6:03 a.m.
I am walking my mother to her work. It is her first day on the job at a warehouse store (like Costco or Sam’s Club). We pass by a man in a motorized wheelchair. There is a little time to talk, so I begin telling her about my Keiko dream. I start the telling in the middle of the dream and then I realize that it won’t do. I have to relate it from the beginning. Suddenly, we are at her work and there is no time. She cannot listen any longer. She must report for work. I tell her it’s ok, there will be another time to share my dream with her. I attempt to kiss her goodbye, but another employee, a man carrying a flat of plants comes between us. I kiss one of the plants instead. We all laugh. I turn to leave and someone hands me a hot fudge sundae. I eat it as I walk across the parking lot. When I get to the end of the parking lot, I approach an intersection where I had seen the man in the wheelchair. I lean over to take another spoonful of the sundae. Suddenly, I hear a noise and a shout. The wheelchair is in pieces all over the road and the man has disappeared. I put the sundae down on a table. A woman appears—the man’s wife. She is on her knees in the gutter looking down into an opening in an underground sewer system. She tells me she must get down there. She tells me that she and her husband have lost their jobs that day. I think he must be trying to commit suicide. I pick up my cell phone and dial 911, then I realize that I have dialed the wrong number. I dial again. I begin to talk to the dispatcher. He asks me my address. I begin to tell him my address and then I stop. I ask him if he would rather me tell him the address of my current location. Yes. He wants my current location. I look at the intersecting street signs. One of the signs says 1010 Henry David Thoreau St. There is a translating east/west coordinate for the street name as is the case for all SLC streets. I read the coordinate, but I can’t seem to communicate that to the dispatcher. He tells me never mind, he will get the coordinate. I look at the gutter. People have gathered around—a small crowd. Someone retrieves the man from the sewer. He is clean. He runs to his wife and they embrace. I am still on the phone with the dispatcher. I ask them if they want medical assistance anyway. They say yes. The man tells me he lost his job. He says that the commonality with everyon who loses their jobs is that each person tells the story of it to everyone they meet. They loose friends. He begins to tell me his story. I hear his words but I do not understand them. I am disinterested. I walk away.
I wake up.
The waking dream:
My parents have been in town, staying with me while they look for a house. They will be moving to SLC. I’m a bit apprehensive about them moving so close to me. Where they live now is a comfortable distance—we can visit, but it’s far enough away to be a trip (four hour drive). They are going to make an offer on a house today.
Before I fell asleep last night I was meditating with wazifa, focusing on al-Wasi, the All Embracing, the All Pervading. I was reading Saadi’s commentary from “The Sufi Book of Life” on al-Wasi:
“Perhaps life is asking you to stretch to include aspects of your inner being that you have not encountered previously—even your own doubts—or to simply hold another being in the light of the One. We do not need to do anything for them, but rather need to be there as a presence, reminding them of the divine embrace. Holding with the capacity of Wasi does not mean carrying someone: This is being, not doing.”
Some familiar aspects of the dream:
In the past, I have had issues with my mom listening to only half of what I say. I think it stems from being the oldest child in such a large family. She seemed to be there for me at first and then was required to tend to other children or situations at hand.
Hot fudge sundaes—when I was in high school I worked at a burger joint that had hot fudge sundaes which are a favorite treat for both me and my mother. If I happened to be working late, before returning home, I would call my mom to see if she was up and then I would bring home hot fudge sundaes for both of us. We used to have the best talks while eating our sundaes late into the night/early into the next morning.
Wheelchair—my dad uses a motorized wheelchair sometimes due to his Parkinson’s disease.
Henry David Thoreau St.—HDT is my dad’s favorite essayist.
I’m interested in the connection between my mother’s inability to let me finish telling her my dream and my disinterest in the man’s story about losing his job.
Ok, well, there it is. As you can see, I’m already working on this one. Any insight you can offer whenever you have time, is gratefully welcome.
All Love,