God is Love
Two posts from a thread I started on the Daily OM prompted musings on my signature line, ALA-All Love, Always:
From "herbert lynch"
Hikima - you can spell the word your way and I shall spell it my way - to me it is ALLAH. Who is one of my Spiritual Guides.
My Spiritual Guide ALLAH and I wish to share this with you. From ancient times there was a beautiful cry called HU. This HU is repeated about eight times, in eight new breathes with vigor and strenght. It is referred to as a love song to our Creator or God. It works best when three or more are gathered together and cry the HU. I thought this proper to share with you - much Love and Loving Kindness.
and from my friend, Adikavi:
I think ALA has a different meaning than Allah even though they sound the same. Could be short for Alabama.
edit add: No disrespect intended towards either of them. Perhaps Hakima can explain if there is a difference and what they are.
and my response to what it means in the Hakima Pamela realm:
Thank you, Mr. Lynch for bringing up the subject and thank you Adikavi for asking for an explanation. Hopefully it won't be too long:
When my parents were young and in love, my father was starting his career in the Navy. At first he was on surface craft--did a surprise tour in the Bay of Pigs the fall of 1962--little Pamela was somewhat over a half a year old--then he served the rest of his career in the Submarine service. Much of their development as a young married couple was through letters. My mother saved every one of them and published them in two volumes which she and my father gave to their eight children a couple of years ago. Every one of my mother's signature lines was, "Love Always", which became the title of one of the volumes. The profession of their young love is among my most treasured possessions.
As I grew and understood the magnitude of the words "Love" and "Always", I was intrigued and began copying my mother. I am also absolutely committed to the notion of community and connection--the inclusiveness of unity and the meaning of the word "All". When I concentrated my spiritual life as a Sufi, I learned more about that Unity and inclusiveness. I also learned about the word "Allah".
In the Middle East, both Christians and Muslims use the word, "Allah" to speak of God. In those desert languages, where often the written word is not understood, sound becomes vital. This from one of my guides, Saadi Shankur Chisti (aka Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz):
"(the sounds) connect to the most ancient names of the divine in the Middle East. These names use the root word AL (or EL), meaning the sacred Something, the ultimate Yes, coupled with the root LA (or LO), meaning the sacred Nothing, the ultimate No. People in the Middle east have used some form of this name for at leas four thousand years, from the time of the Old Canaanite Allat or Elat (a name of the Middle Eastern Goddess), to the Hebrew "Elohim", the Aramaic "Alaha" (used by Jesus), and the Arabic "Allah", used by both Muslins and Arabic-speaking Christians today."
"Traditional translations of this name include 'God' and the One and Only. The final H of Allah affirms that there is yet a divine secret, something not heard or pronounced, the life behind all life, without name and form and beyond all our ideas of the divine...As one Sufi writer commented "Allah" is really not God"; that is Allah points to a being that is beyond humanly construed images, ideals,and names. It (not the name) is the ground of Reality, the Only Being..."
La illaha illa 'Allahu
There is no reality but the One Reality
Mr. Lynch did you see the HU at the end of that phrase. It is the pronoun beyond pronouns. Listen to the wind. You can hear the sound "HU" whispering in your ear. Listen to the ocean, the cry "HU" resounds. Listen to your heart, "HU, HU"
HU is the cry of this Hakima-baby yearning for her Creator.
and they come with Everything They are:
All Love,