Sweet Morning

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


After September
Afghan widows
opened their ears
To the familiar tale
of the broken hearts
of women
in "that village
in New York"
where a bombing had occurred.

In one village
burka'd hearts
gathered from their hens
and offered up
their very best.

sustenance in tiny wombs
Heart offerings
half a world 'round
into Love-currents.
akasha! akasha!

Listen to the wind--
it whispers the tale
as loudly
as the rhythm
of an open heart.

--Pamela Dawn

*Today, my bus ride reading was the chapter in "The Heart of Sufism: the Essential Writings of Hazrat Inayat Khan" entitled "Capacity." The word "akasha" was defined in this manner:

"The Hindu name for capacity is akasha. People generally think that akasha means the sky, but in reality it means everything. Everything in its turn is an akasha, just as all substance is a capacity: and according to that capacity it produces what it is meant to produce."

"...We ourselves are also akashas, and in our akasha we get resonance of our rhythm. This resonance is like the feelings we have when we are tired, depressed, joyous, or strengthened. All these different conditions which we feel, it is our akasha that feels them: and what causes this is our rhythm."

"...In the Qur'an it is said, 'Their hands shall speak and their feet shall bear witness of their deeds," which means...that everything is recorded, written down...Nothing of what we say, do, or think is lost: it is recorded somewhere, if we only know how to read it."
(Sufi Message 11: 20-24, Hazrat Inayat Khan)

Sometimes that message is written on the wind...Akasha!


At 6:43 PM, Blogger lynn said...

Oh, shining dawn, this is mystical, lyrical, perhaps your best I've read to date. All profound. Brilliant with compassion, loving grace.


you, your creative spirit are a bright light to shine into and through radiant hearts.


At 8:01 PM, Blogger Passionvine said...

Truly words of art.

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Passionvine said...

sustenance in tiny wombs

love this imagery

At 12:36 AM, Blogger lynn said...

Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday dearest Pamela,
Happy Birthday to you.

And many more.

May your affirmations, lucid dreams, all positive visions be realized, right now.

love all days,
all ways,



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