Sweet Morning

Sunday, March 05, 2006


(A Response to a Soliloquy that was Never Directed to Me)

Of course my love was autumn
Why did you think summer would last forever?
The heat of it
Could melt an entire planet.

Autumn must have her way.
From our bodies
Warmth enough
Amidst surrounding crispness

Crimson Leaves
An altar
A bed
A table
My body softly beckoning
You supped
Completed your fleshfest
Consumed all
Until you saw
The emptiness you left
And the impending winter storm
Frost that leaves
Blackened scars

Your heart
Took flight like swallows
That flee against grey skies
For the promise of a warmer clime

I watched you go
As snows buried me
And knew that you would not return

Winter was eternal
Certain death
Would take me with his icy stare
And almost did

But for the Sun
Returning on a vow
Renewing green fresh
ReLeafing blossoms
Fruit offered freely on request
Nubile like a virgin

Someone else would see
My love is spring.

--Pamela Dawn


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